Megha, a Nepali film directed by Samjhana Upreti Rauniar , on relationship depicting life of a upper middle class professional architect Megha (Namrata Shrestha) caught between her husband Ishan (Raymon Das Shrestha) and her lover Gaurab (Siddhartha Koirala)..
Music/Lyrics : Gopal Yonjan
Choreographer: Kamal Rai
Editor: Banish Shah
Cinematography: Ram Sharan Uprety / Produced by Sabasta Entertainment.
Director : Samjhana Upreti Rauniar
Music/Lyrics : Gopal Yonjan
Choreographer: Kamal Rai
Editor: Banish Shah
Cinematography: Ram Sharan Uprety / Produced by Sabasta Entertainment.
Director : Samjhana Upreti Rauniar