His last release was 'Chhichhore', which hit the screens in 2019. He romanced Shraddha Kapoor in the film, which emerged as a massive blockbuster at the box office. The actor was rumoured to be in a relationship with Rhea Kapoor and the couple was often snapped by the paparazzi around the city. Sushant Singh Rajput earned massive fame with a TV show and made a successful transition to films. He marked his debut in Bollywood with 'Kai Po Che!' in 2012 and went on to deliver massive hits like 'PK' and 'Kedarnath'. His biggest hit till date remains 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story'. On the professional front, Sushant was to be seen in Mukesh Chhabra directed 'Dil Bechara' with Sanjana Sanghi. The film was an official remake of Hollywood hit 'The Fault in Our Stars'.
His last release was 'Chhichhore', which hit the screens in 2019. He romanced Shraddha Kapoor in the film, which emerged as a massive blockbuster at the box office. The actor was rumoured to be in a relationship with Rhea Kapoor and the couple was often snapped by the paparazzi around the city. Sushant Singh Rajput earned massive fame with a TV show and made a successful transition to films. He marked his debut in Bollywood with 'Kai Po Che!' in 2012 and went on to deliver massive hits like 'PK' and 'Kedarnath'. His biggest hit till date remains 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story'. On the professional front, Sushant was to be seen in Mukesh Chhabra directed 'Dil Bechara' with Sanjana Sanghi. The film was an official remake of Hollywood hit 'The Fault in Our Stars'.