Mahendra Singh Dhoni has announced his retirement from international cricket, reports PTI, bringing an end to the career of one of India's greatest limited-overs cricketers, and its most successful captain. He is the only captain to lift all three ICC trophies - the World Cup, the T20 World Cup and the Champions Trophy - and he also took India to the top of the ICC Test rankings.
Dhoni, 39, took to Instagram to make his announcement, putting up a slideshow of images from his career to the soundtrack of yesteryears singer Mukesh on his official account, with the caption: "Thanks - Thanks a lot for ur love and support throughout.from 1929 hrs consider me as Retired."
Suresh Raina posted a picture with his CSK teammates and announced retirement from international cricket.
uresh Raina took to Instagram to announce his retirement from international cricket. Suresh Raina joined MS Dhoni, who had earlier announced that he will no longer play international cricket. Both Raina and Dhoni will represent the Chennai Super Kings in the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League that starts next month in the UAE. Raina posted a picture with his CSK teammates and wrote "It was nothing but lovely playing with you, @mahi7781 . With my heart full of pride, I choose to join you in this journey. Thank you India. Jai Hind! "
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