Apple will likely launch its latest iPhone 14 series in September, which is next month. While the company hasn’t yet revealed the official launch date of the 2022 iPhone 14 event, it is tipped to host it on September 13. This could be true as Apple usually unveils iPhones in the first or second week of September. If the company is planning to announce the device next month, then we should hear about the launch date in the coming days or weeks. If you are excited about the upcoming iPhone 14 smartphone, then check out 10 things about it that leaks have so far revealed.
iPhone 14 might be a minor upgrade over last year’s iPhone and only the Pro models are widely speculated to get major upgrades in terms of chipset, camera, and other things. Apple is expected to announce four models - iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Max, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
Apple is tipped to introduce a new iPhone 14 Max model and ditch the mini version that we have been seeing. Earlier this year, it was reported that the brand didn’t receive a good response for the mini version. The core reason is, of course, a very compact 5.4-inch display and premium price tag.