Mahabir Pun first dreamed of connecting his village of Nangi to the internet in 1997, and has been working ever since to bring the internet to rural Nepal.
Mahabir was born in Nangi, and completed his primary education there. After working as a teacher for several years, he completed a master's degree in education at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
While Internet is considered a basic requirement in the Western world, it is still a far off dream to the millions of people. Nepalese are many of them. Poverty, and difficult land structure are reasons why Internet reach is low in the mountainous areas of Nepal.
However, one man made it a mission to bring Internet to the rural masses of Nepal and he was successful in providing 60,000 Nepalis living in villages.
However, one man made it a mission to bring Internet to the rural masses of Nepal and he was successful in providing 60,000 Nepalis living in villages.
Meet Mahabir Pun. Fed up with the fact that he had to hike for two days whenever he wanted to check his email, he decided to connect his home town of Nangi to the Internet. This video explains how he did it.