Double your Account Balance in Ncell. What? Is it really possible????
It sounds a bit weird. It’s not a kind of Trick or Hack as well. Now, you might be wondering how to double your Ncell balance. Actually, Paisa Double is the recently launched offer by Ncell to its customers.

Paisa Double offer is given by Ncell in the context of the festive season, where customers can spend their daily targeted amount and get back double the amount, as the bonus. You will instantly receive the double of your money back as the bonus after you have used your main balance. You can use the bonus balance within Ncell Network to call, send SMS/MMS or surf the internet same day till midnight (12A.M.). The bonus balance will be vanish if you don’t use it on the same day. This offer will be valid from 29th September to 28th December 2016.
How to Activate?
Via Phone Call: Dial 17124 to auto-activate the service