457 Visa to be Abolished from March 2018

The 457 Visa  is to be abolished from March 2018, and replaced by a new temporary work visa called the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa. 

Changes to the occupations list for 457 visas will come into effect from 19 April 2017 - with some sources suggesting that up to 200 occupations will be removed from the approved list.

A change to the approved list for 457 visas could also impact on the ENS direct entry visa, the Occupational Trainee Stream of the Training Subclass 407 visa, and state nominated General Skilled visas (ie the Skilled Nominated Subclass 190 and Skilled Regional Provisional Subclass 489 visa).

Visa Period

There will be 2 streams for the TSS visa - a short-term stream of 2-years and a medium-term stream of 4-years. 
The short-term stream can only be renewed only once.
The medium-term stream is likely to have higher requirements (eg English language ability, shorter occupations list) and can be renewed or may also lead to a permanent visa.

Police Clearances

Police clearances will be required for the TSS visa. Depending on the country of residence, these can take several months to come through. Police clearances are not required for 457 visas, unless the applicant has a criminal record.

These Visa holders may require a Proficiency English level Test result to compete and to lodge a Permanent Residence.

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